We are products of our genetic makeup, we are products of our childhood as well.
Our relationship with our parents forms us, our pride, lack of self esteem, being able to cope, our inability to cope, taste in music, cothes, wine, food, likes and dislikes, search for love or rejection of love.
We always laugh at our parents when we are young however as we get older, we look, talk and even behave just like them. Our views change and we say the same things. We find ourselves becoming our parents. Becoming the pople that at one stage we despised.
We blame our parents for everything...that is a given. How do we correct and cope with what we perceive as a disfunctional childhood. Marriage forms us, changes our opinions, changes how we react to situations. An early marriage can be even more detrimental to our own identity. How do we keep our identity, how do we stay true to ourslves. Our own needs, and desires. Do we put them away to serve the common good of the family unit. When do we bring them out again....or did we never put them away. When we sit alone at night we cannot deny the truth that is in our minds.